

オハイオ州立大学 海外学習 in 麻布大学 Ohio State University study abroad students visited Azabu University

オハイオ州立大学(OSU)の海外学習プログラム(Study abroad program)の学生19名が、OSU教授の茨木希先生と森寛子様に引率され、麻布大学に来訪されました。
シンポジウムの他に、OSU学生達は本学の獣医学科教員 (黄鴻堅先生)と、共同研究員(二瓶先生)によるGISを応用する感染症の制御についての講義を受講されました。

A total of 19 Ohio State University (OSU) study abroad program students, led by Prof. Motomu Ibaraki and Ms. Hiroko Mori, visited Azabu University for a whole day learning program. On Day 1, May 25, 2016, the OSU and Azabu University (AU) students conducted a mini symposium under the theme of Public Health. The AU students, under the tutelage of Drs. Harada and Lynch, were from the School of Life Science and Environment. It is their first experience to interact and learn together with American students. Besides the discussion among the students, the OSU students were also being given lectures on the control of infectious disease with the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) by Dr. Ooi and scientific collaborator Dr. Nihei, from the School of Veterinary Medicine, AU.
