

学術交流協定校 ベルン大学からの招へい者による講演会が開催されます

今年も本学の学術交流協定校であるベルン大学から先生をお招きし、講演会を行います。 逐次通訳もありますので、是非ご参加ください。

~講 師~
David Spreng教授
【講演会 (1)】
日 時:平成29年5月22日(月)18時~
場 所:獣医学部棟7階 大会議室701・702
演 題:Treatment of open fractures in small animals:What have we learned from the last 20 years
(小動物の開放骨折の処置:過去20年で我々が学んだこと )
要 旨:The treatment of open fractures has developed in the last 20 years to the current concept of early definitive trauma treatment. The external fixateur was introduced in small animal trauma surgery and has finally gained acceptance. Early strategies of open fracture fixation within the first 8 hours need to be critically evaluated whereas early debridement of the open fracture and atraumatic treatment techniques seem to be cornerstones of treatment. This lecture shall demonstrated the evolution of treatment concepts and will try to show the reasoning behind the current development of open fracture treatment.
対 象:学部学生・大学院学生・教職員等
【講演会 (2)】
日 時:平成29年5月24日(水)18時~
場 所:生命・環境科学部棟1階 会議室 103・104
演 題:The traumatic acute abdomen:To cut or not to cut?
要 旨: Dogs and Cats with trauma are often presented to the emergency room with orthopaedic problems. Concurrent abdominal trauma becomes a big issue because suddenly a dog with a simple fracture has a life-endangering problem that needs rapid decision making and treatment. Surgical treatment options need to be evaluated carefully and risk to benefit of surgery has to be addressed in each case. This lecture will address treatment options for traumatic hemoabdomen, gunshot wounds, abdominal bite wounds and the acute management of the uroabdomen.
対 象:学部学生・大学院学生・教職員等

【ベルン大学】講演会ポスター (PDF:257KB)

e-mail: gakuseib(a)azabu-u.ac.jp