

学術交流協定校 チェンマイ大学からの招へい者による講演会が開催されます

今年も本学の学術交流協定校であるチェンマイ大学から先生をお招きし、講演会を行います。 逐次通訳もありますので、是非ご参加ください。


~講 師~
Areerath Akatvipat Assistant Professor
Director of the small animal hospital, Chiang Mai University

日 時:平成30年2月19日(月)18時~
場 所:獣医学部棟1階 119・120会議室
演 題:Antimicrobial resistance in pet animals: Problems that veterinarians should give priority."
要 旨:In the last decade, the swift emergence of antimicrobial resistance bacteria is a crisis problem in both human and veterinary medicine. This crisis is worldwide and rapid progression. Pets can be a reservoir and also infected with multiple drug resistance bacteria which could be exchange to their owner. To prevent or slow down the antimicrobial resistance could be done by simply focus on the basic routine practice; properly wash your hands, use sterile instruments and keep environment clean, and employing vaccines where appropriate. Only prescribe antibiotic when bacterial infection have been confirm with your pet patient. The goal of antimicrobial therapy includes not only the safe eradication of infection, but now must minimize the advent of bacterial resistance.
対 象:学部学生・大学院学生・教職員等

gakuseib(a)azabu-u.ac.jp ※(a)を@に変換してください。

学術交流協定校 チェンマイ大学からの招へい者による講演会:PDF(367KB)