

オハイオ州立大学(OSU)海外研修が本学で行われました The Ohio State University Study Abroad Program conducted at Azabu University

5月16日から17日にかけて、オハイオ州立大学(OSU)の海外学習プログラム(Study Abroad Program)の一環としてOSU教授の茨木 希先生が18名の学生を引率して本学に来訪しました。学生達は、公衆衛生をテーマに本学の学生との討論を行い、さらに講義や実習を受講しました。

A total of 18 students from The Ohio State University (OSU) study abroad program, led by Prof. Motomu Ibaraki, visited Azabu University for two whole days learning program on public health. The American students participated in a mini-symposium with Azabu university students and discussed topics of mutual interest. They also participated in parasitology practical and listened to lectures.

Group photo with President Asari at the Life Museum

1日目の16日の午前は、本学 獣医学部 獣医学科 黄 鴻堅 教授指導の下、食品衛生上で問題になっている旋毛虫の診断実習を行いました。実習では旋毛虫の生活環にみられる各発育期、すなわち筋肉幼虫、成虫および新生幼虫を観察し、さらに、異なる2種類の旋毛虫筋肉幼虫の鑑別についても学びました。

On Day 1, May 16, the OSU students were given a hands-on practical by Dr, Ooi of the School of Veterinary Medicine, on the diagnosis of trichinellosis, which is a food-borne public health problem throughout the world. They were shown the various stages of the life-cycle of the worm, which includes the infective muscle larvae, adult worms and the newborn larvae. They were also taught how to differentiate the muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis. The practical is unique because the students were taught how to properly handle the microscope and infective materials. For some of the students, the encounter with the Trichinella live worm may be a once in a lifetime experience.

The Ohio State Univ. students observing the various growth stages of Trichinella.

16日の午後は、OSUの学生は本学 生命・環境科学部の学生と一緒に、公衆衛生学に関する水とエネルギー確保および用途をテーマに、ミニシンポジウムを行いました。生命・環境科学部の学生達は、ジョナサン リンチ 講師(国際コミュニケーション研究室)の指導の下にポスター発表を行い、OSUの学生と熱心にディスカッションを交わしました。

In the afternoon, a mini-symposium on energy and water utility from the perspective of public health, Tokyo Olympics, volcano and hot spring, was carried out by Ohio State Univ. students and Azabu Univ. students. The former made power point presentations and the latter made poster presentations. The symposium was coordinated by Dr. Lynch Jonathan of the School of Life Science and Environment.

Poster session on public health and topic of mutual interest being carried out by Ohio State Univ. students and Azabu Univ. students.

2日目17日の午前中OSUの学生は、本学 獣医学科 寄生虫学研究室 客員研究員の二瓶 直子先生による、津波後の衛生昆虫の調査と制御についての講義を受講し、その後キャンパス内のいのちの博物館を見学しました。

On day 2 in the morning, Dr. Nihei from the School of Veterinary Medicine, gave a lecture on the control of insect pest in the aftermath of tsunami. Afterwards, the OSU students then visited the Life Museum in the campus, where Dr. Ooi gave a brief explanation on the museum exhibits.

Group photo after a lecture conducted by Dr. Nihei

その日の午後は、獣医学部の平 健介准教授による寄生虫学実習で、OSUの学生たちはサバから生きているアニサキス線虫の幼虫をみつけ、アニサキス症の予防に関連する実験を行いました。

In the afternoon on the second day, OSU students participated in a parasitology practical class on the detection of anisakid larvae from the mackerel, which was conducted by Dr. Taira from the School of Veterinary Medicine. The students also carried out an experiment to test the effect of horse-radish paste (wasabi), soy sauce, whiskey and physical maceration on the viability of anisakid larvae. The students expressed satisfaction with the practical class.

Ohio State Univ. students looking for parasites from a mackerel.