

タイ王国国立ワライラック大学獣医学科学生14名の本学での海外研修 ~ Azabu University hosted the Walailak University study abroad program

2023年3月12~18日にタイ王国国立ワライラック大学の海外学習プログラム(Study abroad program)の獣医学科学生14名が麻布大学を来訪し、日本の公衆衛生および獣医衛生について学びました.本研修は,本学獣医学科公衆衛生学第二研究室の森田幸雄教授の企画調整により行われました.本学の学生たちにとっても、海外学生といっしょに勉強する貴重な機会になりました.

A total of 14 veterinary students from Walailak University, Thailand, visited Azabu University for 1 week study program on public health and animal hygiene. This program was coordinated by Professor Yukio Morita, Laboratory of Public Health II, Azabu University. It was also a great opportunity for Azabu university students to interact and discuss topics of mutual interest with Thai students.



Group photo with Walailak University students and Azabu Univ teaching staffs. Dr. Yukio Morita (8th from left backward) and Dr. Okatani Tomomitu (1st from left) (Laboratory of Public Health II), Dr. Kensuke Taira (left chair, Assistant to the President, Laboratory of Parasitology) and Dr. Kei Kazama (right chair, Laboratory of Internal Medicine for Large Animal).