

華中農業大学獣医学部の先生方が麻布大学を訪問~Delegates from College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, visited Azabu University


Delegates (a total of 6 veterinary teaching staffs) from College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, China, visited Azabu University, for the first time, on the 7th of December 2023. College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University has been known to be one of top name university on education and research for veterinary and animal science, in China. Future prospects on the academic and student exchange between universities has been discussed.


左上から,華中農業大学のDr. Li Xinyun(獣医学科教授),Dr. Hu Lihua(獣医学部副学部長),森田幸雄教授(本学公衆衛生第二研究室),川上泰学長,Dr. Peng Guiqing(獣医学部副学部長),Dr. Li Shaowen(獣医学科教授),およびDr. Hu Changmin(獣医外科学研究室教授).左下から平健介学長補佐,Dr. Dong-Liang Hu(北里大学獣医学部人獣共通感染症学研究室教授)およびDr. Liu Jia(人材育成センター主任).
Group photo with delegates from College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University. From top left, Dr. Li Xinyun (Professor, Veterinary Medicine), Dr. Hu Lihua (Associate Dean), Dr. Yukio Morita (Professor, Public Health), Dr. Yasushi Kawakami (President), Dr. Peng Guiqing (Associate Dean), Dr. Li Shaowen (Professor, Veterinary Medicine), and Dr. Hu Changmin (Professor, Surgery). From bottom left, Dr. Kenske Taira (Presidential Deputy (Student support)), Dr. Dong-Liang Hu (Professor, Zoonoses, Kitasato Univ.), and Dr. Liu Jia (Director of Talent Development Office).