北イリノイ大学と新たなパートナーシップ締結~Establishment of a New Partnership with Northern Illinois University
2024年2月27日,アメリカ合衆国州立北イリノイ大学 Northern Illinoi University (NIU)と麻布大学間で協定が締結されました.学長補佐(学生支援担当)・国際交流委員会委員長の平健介教授が学長代理として北イリノイ大学へ出張し,署名式に参加しました.また,2月26日には,北イリノイ大学Sky Room講演室で開催されたOne-Healthセミナーにおいて平健介教授が講演を行いました.
On February 27, 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was established between Northern Illinois University (NIU) and Azabu University. Dr. Kensuke Taira, Professor at Azabu University visited NIU as Deputy President and participated in the MOU signing ceremony. Additionally, on February 26th, Dr. Taira gave a lecture at the One-Health Seminar held in NIU's Sky Room.
協定書の署名式.左からNIU大学院長兼国際部長Kerry Wilks博士,麻布大学平健介教授,NIU副学長Laurie Elish-Piper博士,そしてNIU公衆衛生プログラム教授 兼 環境・持続可能性・エネルギー研究所と東南アジア地域研究センター副教員の柴田知幸教授. 柴田教授は本学環境保健学部環境保健学科を卒業生された方です.
Signing on MOU for a partnership. Dr. Kerry Wilks, Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Vice President of International Affairs at NIU; Dr. Kensuke Taira, Professor from Azabu University; Dr. Laurie Elish-Piper, Executive Vice President and Provost at NIU; and Dr. Tomoyuki Shibata, Professor of Public Health as well as Faculty Associate of the Institute of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at NIU. Professor Shibata is a graduate of the Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Environmental Health, Azabu University.
協定書に署名しているNIU副学長Laurie Elish-Piper博士,NIU 大学院長兼国際部長Kerry Wilks博士, および麻布大学平健介教授.
Dr. Laurie Elish-Piper, Executive Vice President and Provost, and Dr. Kerry Wilks, Dean of Graduate School and Associate Vice President of International Affairs at NIU along with Dr. Kensuke Taira, Professor and Deputy President from Azabu University signed the MOU.
NIU学長表敬訪問.左からNIU柴田知幸教授,NIU学長Lisa C. Freeman博士,平健介教授,本学から短期留学中の獣医学科3年谷田貝紗有さん. NIU Freeman学長は,獣医学博士の学位を取得されている方です。
Courtesy visit to NIU president. From left: Professor Tomoyuki Shibata at NIU; Dr. Lisa C. Freeman, President of NIU; Professor Taira Kensuke, Azabu University; and Sayu Yatagai, a third-year Veterinary Medical student from Azabu University. NIU President Freeman holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.
北イリノイ大学内の高層塔 Holmes Student Centerの15階からみたNIUキャンパス.
NIU campus view from the 15th floor of the Holmes Student Center, the highest tower on campus.
中心にみえる塔が北イリノイ大学 Holmes Student Center.16階にSky Roomがある.
The tower featured is NIU Holmes Student Center. There is a Sky Room on the 16th floor.
A view of the Northern Illinois University campus. There are many geese and squirrels in campus (not shown in the photo). It is peaceful and calm.
北イリノイ大学Sky Room講演室で開催されたOne-Healthセミナーにおいて講演している平健介教授.
Professor Kensaku Taira from Azabu University gave a lecture at the One-Health seminar held in the Sky Room.
Chicago skyscrapers. NIU is located approximately 100 km west of Chicago.