

麻布大学におけるオハイオ州立大学(OSU) 海外研修2024 ~The Ohio State University Study Abroad Program conducted at Azabu University

2024年5月16-17日,オハイオ州立大学(OSU)の海外学習プログラム(Study Abroad Program)の一環として,OSU教授の茨木希先生および野田眞理先生が15名のアメリカ学生を引率して麻布大学に来訪し,研修が行われた.学生達は公衆衛生をテーマに,本学の学生とのシンポジウムを行い,また,講義や実習を受講した.
シンポジウムは,本学のジョナサン リンチ先生がコーディネートし,寺川純平先生も参加して,日米学生が活発に討議した.講義は,本学の森田幸雄先生が"食品媒介感染症",石原淳子先生が"日本食と食品科学"を担当した.実習は,岡谷友三先生が"食品媒介細菌の培養",平健介先生および井上健先生が"海産魚からの寄生虫検出"を行った.
A total of 15 students from the Ohio State University (OSU) study abroad program, led by Prof. Ibaraki Motomu and Prof. Noda Mari, visited Azabu University for a two whole day learning program in public health. The American students participated in a mini-symposium with Azabu university students and discussed topics of mutual interest.
The symposium was coordinated by Dr. Jonathan Lynch, and Dr. Terakawa Jumpei also helped in discussion. Lectures were given by Dr. Mmorita Yukio on "Food-born infectious diseases in Japan", and Dr. Isihara Junko on "Japanese meal in food science". Practical was conducted by Dr. Okatani Tomozo on "Cultivation of food-born bacteria", and Dr. Taira Kensuke and Dr. Inoue Ken on "Detection of parasites form marine fishes, with special emphasis on Anisakiasis".

麻布大学におけるオハイオ州立大学(OSU) 海外研修

Group photo with Presidential Deputy Dr. Morita Yukio. Ouendan students also participated.

麻布大学におけるオハイオ州立大学(OSU) 海外研修

Mini-symposium on the public health and topic of mutual interest were being carried out by Ohio State Univ. students and Azabu Univ. students. This symposium was coordinated by Dr. Lynch Jonathan.Dr Terakawa Junpei also helped in discussion.

麻布大学におけるオハイオ州立大学(OSU) 海外研修

Ohio State Univ. students visited the university Museum of Life (Inochi-no-Hakubutsukan). Japanese students guided and explained the exhibits to the US students.