講師 Jonathan Lynch
- 研究室
- 国際コミュニケーション研究室
- 所属と主な研究内容
- コミュニカティブな英語学習、TOEICテスト対策、海外スタディツアー、メディア・リテラシー
- 担当科目
- TOEICリスニング、ニューズイングリッシュ、スピーチ&ディベート
My aim is to help students at Azabu University to find a goal for their English studies and provide practical study and advice on how to achieve that goal. Students will generally be working towards different outcomes for their English studies: some may hope to achieve a superior TOEIC score, others may want to improve their oral communication skills for a study abroad trip or homestay, whilst other may want to become able to communicate in English about the subjects they are studying in their degree program. All of these various goals are valid and my job is to help students focus on the steps needed to reach their goal and provide the opportunity for them to study materials relevant to their goal with me on a regular basis.
Students who undertake a graduation thesis under my supervision are encouraged to find a theme for their thesis related to their major. Once they have identified a suitable theme, they will then access background information (academic research papers, articles, web-based information) in English and lay the groundwork for their research through extensive reading and discussion. The research method will depend on their chosen topic, but will typically involve project-type research activities or conducting questionnaire surveys. Students are further encouraged to write their thesis in English and, as a requirement, the final thesis presentation must be conducted in English.