

准教授 片平 浩孝

生命・環境科学部 環境科学科

准教授 片平 浩孝


2002年 札幌市立旭丘高等学校 卒業
2008年 北海道大学水産学部 生物生産学科 卒業
2010年 広島大学大学院 生物圏科学研究科 博士前期課程 修了
2013年 広島大学大学院 生物圏科学研究科 博士後期課程 修了(農学、学振DC1)








  1. 江口勇也・佐久間幹大・舩越優実・東典子・嶌本樹・片平浩孝 "神奈川県に定着した特定外来生物クリハラリスCallosciurus erythraeusの地理的由来:台湾を原産とする3系統の混在" 保全生態学研究 (受理)
  2. 嶌本樹・古荘寿奈・江口勇也・伊藤元裕・片平浩孝 "神奈川県におけるクリハラリスCallosciurus erythraeusの体毛発現の季節性" 哺乳類科学 64, 73-78 (2024)
  3. Katahira H, Sawada Y, Onuma K, Tsuno S, Yajima H, Eguchi Y, Tsujino T "Microhabitat use and artificial-light related occurrence of the brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus in a newly invaded area of the inland Kanto region, Japan" Medical Entomology and Zoology 74, 151-156 (2023)
  4. Katahira H, Iguchi H, Tsujino T, Komatsu N, Kawakami Y "Preventive gap size for the first-instar nymph of the smokybrown cockroach" Medical Entomology and Zoology 74, 147-150 (2023)
  5. Katahira H, Ikeda O, Yodo T "An outbreak of Neoergasilus japonicus (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) on the Japanese rice fish Oryzias latipes reared in an outdoor tank" Fish Pathology 58, 171-174 (2023)
  6. 吉田英利佳・崎山智樹・片平浩孝 "大雪山国立公園内のエゾナキウサギ生息地における散乱ごみ" 野生生物と社会 11, 43-48 (2023)
  7. 江口勇也・佐久間幹大・坂西梓里・遠藤優・鈴木良実・千々岩哲・嶌本樹・片平浩孝 "浜松市に定着したCallosciurus属リス類の遺伝的集団構造:ミトコンドリアDNA D-loop領域に基づく追跡調査とフィンレイソンリス由来ハプロタイプの優占" 哺乳類科学 63, 53-62 (2023)
  8. Yamada T, H Katahira, K Miura, F Nakamura "Relationship between salmon egg subsidy and the distribution of an avian predator" Ecology and Evolution 12, e9696 (2022)
  9. Katahira H, Y Eguchi, S Hirose, Y Ohtani, A Banzai, Y Ohkubo, T Shimamoto "Spillover and spillback risks of ectoparasites by an invasive squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus in Kanto region of Japan" International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 19, 1-8 (2022)
  10. Hasegawa R, H Katahira, I Koizumi "Salmincola markewitschi (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) or S. carpionis? A requirement for taxonomic revision due to their high morphological variations" Folia Parasitologica 69, 025 (2022)
  11. Okuno S, H Katahira, K Orito "Somatosensory evoked potentials of the tibial nerve during the surgical decompression of thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniation in dogs" Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, 976972 (2022)
  12. Katahira H, G Kimura, K Higashi, A Banzai, M Shiroyama, Y Kawakami "Effective use of a growth-inhibiting sheet containing pyriproxyfen for cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne larvae: an implication from sheet shape and flour-food accumulation" Medical Entomology and Zoology 73, 53-58 (2022)
  13. Horimoto T, H Katahira (co-first author) "Microhabitat use of Pseudocharopinus markewitschi (Gusev, 1951) (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on the mottled skate, Beringraja pulchra (Liu, 1932): does biased occurrence on the dorsal side of the pelvic fin imply a safety zone?" Parasitology International 88, 102561 (2022)
  14. Hasegawa R, CG Ayer, Y Umatani, K Miura, M Ukumura, H Katahira, I Koizumi "Potential negative effects and heterogeneous distribution of a parasitic copepod Salmincola edwardsii (Copepods: Lernaeopodidae) on Dolly Varden charr Salvelinus malma krascheninnikova in Hokkaido, Japan" Parasitology International 87, 102529 (2022)
  15. Katahira H, AT Matsuda, S Maeda, E Yoshida, A Banzai, TF Matsuishi "Diphyllobothrium stemmacephalum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) found from a harbor porpoise in northern Japan, with comments on a geographical gap with human infection cases in southern Japan" Parasitology International 87, 102487 (2022)
  16. 江口勇也・嶌本樹・田村典子・坂西梓里・片平浩孝 "関東地方に定着したクリハラリスにおける外来糞線虫Strongyloides callosciureusの寄生状況" 哺乳類科学 62, 31-37 (2022)
  17. 山本敦也・片平浩孝・増渕隆仁・田中智一郎・渡邊典浩・金岩稔 "PITタグを用いた三重県宮川から支流大内山川への天然遡上アユの河川内移動評価" 応用生態工学 21, 235-244 (2021)
  18. Katahira H, A Yamamoto, T Masubuchi, T Isshiki, N Watanabe, M Kanaiwa "A report on potential effects of an ectoparasite Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura) on ayu under rearing condition" Aquaculture 543, 736980 (2021)
  19. Katahira H, A Matsuda, A Banzai, Y Eguchi, TF Matsuishi "Gastric ulceration caused by genetically identified Anisakis simplex sensu stricto in a harbor porpoise from the Western Pacific stock" Parasitology International 83, 102327 (2021)
  20. Katahira H, T Shimose, M Kanaiwa "New host records for Scaphanocephalus adamsi (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda: Heterophyidae) from commercial fishes off Yaeyama Islands" Fauna Ryukyuana 59, 21-26 (2021)
  21. Shimose T, H Katahira, M Kanaiwa "Interspecific variation of prevalence by Scaphanocephalus (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda, Heterophyidae) metacercariae in parrotfishes (Labridae, Scarini) from an Okinawan coral reef" International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 12, 99-104 (2020)
  22. Katahira H, H Ashida, M Kobayashi "One-sided infections by intestinal parasites in two sympatric porpoises bycaught from the Nemuro Strait of Hokkaido, Japan" Parasitology International 77, 102118 (2020)
  23. Sasaki M, H Katahira, M Kobayashi, T Kuramochi, H Matsubara, M Nakao "Infection status of commercial fish with cystacanth larvae of the genus Corynosoma (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) in Hokkaido, Japan" International Journal of Food Microbiology 305, 108256 (2019)
  24. 片平浩孝・山本淳也・増渕隆仁・今津雄一郎・山口泰代・渡邊典浩・金岩稔 "遊漁者アンケートからみたアユ冷水病対策" 水産増殖 67, 191-195 (2019)


  1. 片平浩孝 "翻訳は誰のため?世のため人のため自分のため?" 日本甲殻類学会和文雑誌 CANCER 32, 63-65 (2023)
  2. 片平浩孝 "5分で読める寄生虫ばなし" 自然科学書協会会報 102, 4-7 (2023)
  3. 藤田朋紀・勝木伸一・片平浩孝 "寄生虫による消化管感染症" 診断と治療 110, 905-910 (2022)
  4. 片平浩孝 "ゼニガタアザラシの寄生虫研究:現状と課題" 勇魚 71, 28-34 (2019)
  5. 坂西梓里・大原幸生・片平浩孝・川上泰 "日本近海産カツオにおけるアニサキス幼虫の寄生状況調査" 日本臨床寄生虫学雑誌 30, 83-85 (2019)
  6. 木村妙子・木村昭一・自見直人・倉持利明・藤田敏彦・駒井智幸・吉田隆太・田中隼人・岡西政典・小川晟人・小林格・小玉将史・齋藤礼弥・清野裕暉・片平浩孝・中野裕昭・吉川晟弘・上野大輔・田中正敦・大矢佑基・前川陽一・中村亨・奥村順哉・田中香月 "紀伊水道南方海域および熊野灘の深海底生動物相" 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要 45, 11-50 (2019)
  7. Nagasawa K, H Katahira "Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) infecting a rock flagtail, Kuhlia rupestris (Kuhliidae), in a subtropical river, southern Japan" Nature of Kagoshima 46, 13-15 (2019)


  1. Poulin R 著 (片平浩孝・川西亮太・入谷亮介 訳) "寄生虫進化生態学" 共立出版 (2022)
